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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

How-to: Configuring Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS) Azure configuration files


Note: This document is only relevant to the controlled release participants. 

This document describes the configurations of the following files for Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS) hosted on Azure:

  • xmd\Exact.EntityServiceIdentity.config
  • system.identityModel.config
  • web.config


  • You must have access to the configuration files listed and you must be allowed to upload the files to where ELIS is deployed on Azure. These files must be modified and uploaded again to ELIS to complete the configurations.
  • A federated identity provider is already configured and ready for use (with accounts and other information).

Configuring Windows Azure Active Directory authentication

This section describes the configuration required for ELIS hosted on Azure using the Windows Azure Active Directory federated authentication.

Firstly, open the web.config file in a text editor (for example, Notepad). Then, do the following:

  1. Retrieve the following values from your federated identity configuration. For more information, see How-to: Retrieving information for Windows Azure Active Directory and Auth0.
    • SAML Issuer Name
    • Thumbprint
    • Metadata
    • Allowed Audience
    • Authority
    • Client ID
  2. Locate the <appSettings> section.
  3. Edit the values of the <add> elements based on the key attribute, using the values from your federated identity configuration. The following is an example of the section after editing:

  5. Save the file.

The following displays an example of the web.config file with all the configurations:


Next, open the system.identityModel.config file in a text editor (for example, Notepad). Then, do the following:

  1. Retrieve the following values from your federated identity configuration. For more information, see How-to: Retrieving information for Windows Azure Active Directory and Auth0:
    • APP URI ID (also known as Resource)
    • STS Endpoint (also known as SAML Issuer Name)
    • Thumbprint
  2. Locate the element under the XML path “system.identityModel\identityConfiguration\securityTokenHandlers\securityTokenHandlerConfiguration\audienceUris”. Edit the value attribute with your APP URI ID. The lines should look like the following:

  4. Locate the <add> element under the XML path “system.identityModel\identityConfiguration\securityTokenHandlers\securityTokenHandlerConfiguration\issuerNameRegistry\authority\keys”. Edit the value of the thumbprint attribute with your Thumbprint. The lines should look like the following:

  6. Locate the <authority> element under the XML path “system.identityModel\identityConfiguration\securityTokenHandlers\securityTokenHandlerConfiguration\issuerNameRegistry”. Edit the value of the name attribute with the STS Endpoint (also known as the SAML Issuer Name). The lines should look like the following:

  8. Locate the <add> element under the XML path “system.identityModel\identityConfiguration\securityTokenHandlers\securityTokenHandlerConfiguration\issuerNameRegistry\validIssuers”. Edit the value of the name attribute with the STS Endpoint (also known as the SAML Issuer Name). The lines should look like the following:

  10. Save the file.

The following is an example of the system.identityModel.config file with all the configurations:


Then, open the “xmd\Exact.EntityServiceIdentity.config” file in a text editor (for example, Notepad), and do the following:

  1. Retrieve the following values from the federated identity configuration. For more information, see How-to: Retrieving information for Windows Azure Active Directory and Auth0.
    • Allowed Audience
    • Metadata
    • Thumbprint
    • SAML Issuer Name
  2. Edit the WAAD validation parameters with the values retrieved. The following is an example of the section after editing the WAAD validation parameters:

  4. Save the file.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 28.700.193
 Assortment:  Date: 09-05-2019
 Release:  Attachment:

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